Jing Tang
Principal Investigator
Email: jingtang@umich.edu
Phone: (734) 936-2775
Office: 3458 G.G. Brown Laboratory
Academic Appointments
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 2024 - Present
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
Visiting Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering 2023
Professional Education and Training
Stanford University | University of California, Berkeley, CA 2023
Research Associate (2023), Postdoctoral Scholar (2020), Materials Science and Engineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, SLAC, Berkeley Lab - LBNL
MIT | Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 2017
Research Fellow, Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering, Koch Institute, Children’s Hospital Boston
Fudan University, Shanghai, China 2016
Ph.D. in Chemistry, Summa Cum Laude, Laboratory for Advanced Materials, College of Chemistry and Materials Science
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia 2014
Graduate Researcher, Chemical and Biological Engineering
MECHENG 433/AUTO 533 Advanced Energy Solutions (Undergraduate & Graduate) 2025 Winter
MECHENG 599 Principles, Materials, Manufacturing, and Devices of Batteries, Curriculum Developer (Graduate & Undergraduate) 2024 Fall
MECHENG 395 Laboratory I (Undergraduate) 2024 Winter
Prof. Jing Tang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan. Prior to joining U-M, Prof. Tang initially served as a postdoctoral research fellow and subsequently assumed the role of a Physical Science Research Scientist with Professors Yi Cui at Stanford and Jeffrey A. Reimer at UC Berkeley, inventing nature-inspired materials and devices for energy and sustainability in close collaboration with Professor Zhenan Bao at Stanford. Before joining the Cui Group and the Reimer Group, Prof. Tang was a research fellow jointly advised by Professors Daniel S. Kohane at Harvard and Robert S. Langer at MIT and was working on therapies to treat neurological disorders, from biomaterials to smart drug delivery systems. In her graduate work, supervised by Professors Gengfeng Zheng and Dean Dongyuan Zhao at Fudan University, Prof. Tang focused on bioelectronics-enabled artificial retina. Throughout the adventure of this scientific journey, Prof. Tang also has benefited greatly from the guidance and mentorship of Professor Bozhi Tian at the University of Chicago. Prof. Tang considers herself incredibly fortunate to have received inspiration, training, and supervision from her extraordinary advisors, who possess wisdom, insights, and vision. Prof. Tang's goal at U-M is to instill in the next generation of scientists with her curiosity, innovation, energy, passion, and enthusiasm for science.
Prof. Tang’s research has been highlighted by worldwide news media, including Nature Research, Nature News, Science Daily, Scientific American, Discover News, The Economist, MIT Technology Review, EurekAlert!, New Scientist, Stanford News, Berkeley News, DOE Office of Science, UC Newsroom, College of Chemistry - UC Berkeley, VOA, Science Advances, Nature Communications, and The Scientist, while also being recognized with several awards, including the Invited Book Chapters: MIT Innovators 35 Under 35 Women in STEM, the MIT Technology Review 35 Innovators Under 35, the Rising Star in Engineering in Health by Johns Hopkins University and Columbia University and the Rising Star in Chemical Engineering by MIT, UCLA Future Faculty Scholar, NextProf Nexus Class of 2022 UC Berkeley/University of Michigan/Georgia Institute of Technology, ACS PMSE Future Faculty Honoree, the University of Wisconsin-Madison WiscProf Program, and Baosteel National Grand Prize Award (Ranked #1 Nationally), among other honors. Besides her research interests, Prof. Tang has been co-leading translational initiatives and serving as the reviewer and editor of peer-reviewed journals while holding multiple patents relating to fundamental discoveries and materials innovation for energy, sustainability and health.
Selected Honors and Awards
2024 Invited Book Chapters: MIT Innovators 35 Under 35 Women in STEM
2023 ACS Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE) Future Faculty Scholar
2022 The University of Wisconsin-Madison WiscProf Program
2022 NextProf Nexus, UC Berkeley/University of Michigan/Georgia Institute of Technology
2021 MIT Rising Star in Chemical Engineering
2021 Rising Star in Engineering in Health by Johns Hopkins University and Columbia University
2020 MIT Technology Review 35 Innovators Under 35
2020 UCLA Future Faculty Scholar
2019 Young Investigator Award in Northern California Chapter American Association of Physicists
Invited Seminars
Fall/2025, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), ECE Seminar Series Speaker, Los Angeles, CA.
Invited Symposium Talks
08/2023 (Invited) ACS Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE) Future Faculty and Early Investigator Awardees Symposium, San Francisco, CA.
06/2023 (Invited) Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability Greenhouse Gas Removal Workshop (Host: Inaugural Faculty Director of Sustainability Accelerator Profs. Yi Cui and Doerr School of Sustainability Dean Arun Majumdar), San Francisco, CA.
07/2022 Materials Innovation for Carbon Capture by Advanced Magnetic Resonance Methods, 61st Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance, Copper Mountain, Colorado.
06/2022 School of Engineering, NextProf Nexus Class of 2022, UC Berkeley/University of Michigan/Georgia Institute of Technology, Berkeley, CA.
05/2022 College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI.
05/2022 Cellulose Derived Hierarchical Nanopore-Spaced Membranes by Murray’s Law for Gas Capture and Storage, MRS Spring Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.
04/2022 Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage, Gordon Research Conference (GRC), Ventura, CA.
11/2021 Rising Stars in Engineering in Health by Johns Hopkins University and Columbia University, New York, NY.
11/2021 Revealing Molecular Mechanisms in Hierarchical Nanoporous Carbon by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, MA
09/2021 Rising Stars in Chemical Engineering Program at MIT, Boston, MA.
Professional Internal Service - Departmental and University Service
Fall/2025 Host UC Berkeley S.K. and Angela Chan Distinguished Professor of Energy NAS Member Peidong Yang ME Seminar Series
Fall/2025 Host UCLA Ronald and Valerie Sugar Dean of the Samueli School of Engineering Prof. Ah-Hyung “Alissa” Park IES Energy Seminar Series
Fall/2025 Host Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Corporate Fellow and Section Head Dr. Sheng Dai IES Energy Seminar Series
Winter/2025 Non-Evaluative College Representative for College of Engineering Faculty Search
17/03/2025 Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Non-Evaluative College Representative for College of Engineering Faculty Search
06/02/2025 Biomedical Engineering (BME) Non-Evaluative College Representative for College of Engineering Faculty Search
Winter/2025 The Materials Science & Engineering (MSE) Thesis Proposal Committee: Sangwok Bae (Nicholas A. Kotov Group)
2024 - Present: Graduate Student Admission Committee
18/12/2024 The Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Thesis Proposal Committee: Zhengwei Ye (Zetian Mi Group)
10/24/2024 The ME PhD Qualifying Examination (QE) - The Research Fundamentals Exam (RFE) Committee: Junhyun Kim and Opeyemi Akinniyi
Fall/2024 ISD 503 Capstone Project Adviser: GM EV Battery Architecture Optimization Team
10/25/2024 ME500 (Grad School 101) Panelist on Academic Career
09/18/2024 The ME PhD Dissertation Proposal Exam (DPE): Rachel Silcox (Rohini Bala Chandran Group)
Fall/2024 Launching and Developing MECHENG 599: Principles, Materials, Manufacturing, and Devices of Batteries, a university-wide undergraduate and graduate course at the University of Michigan. Established an innovative educational platform that integrates fundamental knowledge, pilot-scale projects, professional skills training, and career development in battery chemistries, materials, and manufacturing, and electrochemistry.
05/30/2024 Michigan Materials Research Institute (MMRI) Annual Summit Poster Session Chair
03/26/2024 Host The University of Chicago Prof. Bozhi Tian's ME Seminar Series
03/21/2024 The PhD Qualifying Examination (QE) - The Research Fundamentals Exam (RFE) Committee:
Max Nyffenegger
Winter/2024 ISD 503 Capstone Project Adviser, ME 590 Advisor, ME 490 Advisor, ME UG RISE Researcher Advisor
03/12/2024 Host Harvard Prof. Zhigang Suo's ME Seminar Series
01/15/2024 College Representative for College of Engineering Faculty Search
2023 - Present: Junior Faculty Lunch Committee
2023 - Present: Seminar Committee
Professional Memberships
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Professional External Service and Synergistic Activities
Reviewer for NSF, Biomedical Engineering Society | BMES
Panel Reviewer for National Science Foundation
Reviewer for the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Light Source – SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, the Advanced Light Source (ALS) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Editorial Manager, Materials Today Energy (Elsevier)
Associate Editor for Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Independent Reviewer of over 50 International Journals, including:
Nature Communications, Science Advances, Matter, One Earth, Journal of the American Chemical Society, JACS Au, Angewandte Chemie, Nano Letters, Biomedical Engineering Society | BMES, ACS Nano, Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Chemistry of Materials, Advanced Healthcare Materials, Small, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, ACS Sensors, Nanoscale, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B, C, Scientific Reports, Analyst, RSC Advances, The Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Colloid and Interface, MRS Advances, ACS Omega, ACS Applied Nano Materials, Frontiers Bioengineering, SmartMatter, etc.